2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Exodus 30:11-31:18 ESV, Matthew 26:47-68 ESV, Psalm 32:1-11 ESV, Proverbs 8:27-32 ESV
Daily Verse: “Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man; seize him.” (Matthew 26:48 ESV)
PARADIDOMI (3860): “To surrender, i.e., to deliver over to another to keep, yield up, intrust, transmit. Also means ‘to give over, commit, deliver’ and also signifies ‘is brought forth.’ Is used in the sense of delivering a person or thing to be kept by another, to commend or to deliver to prison or judgment.”[I]
Delivered heartache.
Betrayal especially breaks hearts. Giving up a bond of trust you have with someone to benefit yourself defines heartlessness. Every “Good vs. Evil” story includes one, if not several, betrayals of some sort. Once betrayed, you never forget the pain. Trust disappears as hurt fills the void.
Jesus’ betrayer handed Him over to endure unspeakable torture and suffering. Watch “Passion of the Christ”[i] by Mel Gibson if you want to understand what Jesus experienced. Judas’ kiss, betrayal of all betrayals, killed the King.
Painful lessons.
Judas’s betrayal of Jesus caused him remorse; he hanged himself (Matthew 27:5 ESV). For both parties, the betrayer and the betrayee, pain exists. Jesus experienced physical and emotional pain, as we’ll never know. Judas’ understanding of his actions came far too late.
Pain exists on both sides of the story, each of us carrying unseen wounds, some festering more than others. Regaining trust after a betrayal impossible without God. Jesus brings us all together at the foot of the Cross. His death paid the price for our sin.
Forgiving a betrayal, for me very difficult. God forgives quickly. I struggle to do the same, not wanting to experience the pain again, afraid the offender will do it again if I forgive. Creating appropriate boundaries helps me develop healthier relationships. Some people I pull in close, others I keep at arm’s length. Following Jesus helped me learn to set boundaries.
Give your pain to Jesus. Ask Him to show you what to do next. Jesus never betrays. In Him, you can trust.
[i] https://youtu.be/4Aif1qEB_JU
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Greek Dictionary of the New Testament (p 189) Thomas Nelson