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2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Genesis 32:13-34:31 ESV, Matthew 11:7-30 ESV, Psalm 14:1-7 ESV, Proverbs 3:19-20 ESV

Daily Verse: “This is he of whom it is written, “‘Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you.’ (Matthew 11:10 ESV)

ANGELOS (32): “A messenger sent by God or; by man or by Satan. The word most frequently refers to an order of created beings. Angels are spirits, not having material bodies as men are either human in form, or can assume the human form when necessary.: [i]

God sends messengers.

Jesus refers to John as a messenger. The original Greek word means “a messenger sent by God or by man or by Satan.” Most often referring to spirits, in this instance, John fulfills the role of God’s messenger, preparing the way for Jesus. 

Pastors are God’s messengers. People of God who study His word, then teach it to others share the good news of Jesus. In some way or another, we are all a messenger for God. We can talk about what Jesus does for us. Telling others about the life transformation which happens when we follow Jesus shares His message, drawing others to Him.

Tell your story.

I met Jesus in Sunday school. Gert Guthrie was my teacher. Sitting at the table in the basement of Tidal Presbyterian church, I remember the felt figures sticking to the board as she shared stories from the Bible with us. Meeting Jesus at a young age helped me develop a Biblical worldview. As I grew into adulthood and began facing life’s challenges, I viewed everything from the lens of scriptures taught to me long ago.

As years slipped by and I placed more and more faith in Jesus, my relationship with Him grew, continuing to grow today. Now I write devotionals to share my story and how Jesus works in my life. The more time I spend getting to know the Savior, the more I want to share His message with the world.

Become a messenger today. Tell people how Jesus transformed your life. Introduce others to the One who will change their lives in ways they never imagined.

[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. (p. 2) Thomas Nelson

Check out my new release on Amazon. Learn how I used prayer to control my emotions and develop healthier relationships in my life.

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