2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Genesis 11:1-13:4 ESV, Matthew 5:1-26 ESV, Psalm 5:1-12 ESV, Proverbs 1:24-28 ESV
Daily Verse: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4 ESV)
MAKARIOI (3107) Greek root word. “Fully Satisfied. In Beatitudes, the Lord indicates not only the characters that are “blessed” but the nature of that which is the highest good.”[i]
God comforts mourners.
Blessing means fully satisfied in its original form. When we are in the depths of despair, we’re not thinking of God’s highest good. For us to discover God’s supreme blessing, we must accept our spiritual helplessness. Nothing we do can equal our Creator’s divine intervention in our lives. God moves the mountains we can’t.
Taking the first step on any journey requires effort. We can build momentum after moving, but nothing happens without acting. Admitting we can’t pull ourselves out of despair, we need God’s help, the first step we all must take.
Receive God’s Spirit
Watching the latest show about families moving west in post-Civil War times reminds me of the fragility of life. When offered condolences for the loss of her husband, Aunt Claire’s reply startled me.
“You can’t believe in heaven, then be sad when people go there.” Aunt Claire, ‘1883’[ii]
Never did I think of death this way. We spend our lives following Jesus, hoping for eternal life, but are sad when people go before us to their heavenly home.
People’s acceptance of death as part of life, more realistic during the 1800s. Our medical advances give the illusion we can beat death, but we can’t. The mortality rate remains 100%. People may live longer than before, but in the end, we all die.
God’s comfort comes through His Spirit. The moment God’s Spirit fills your heart, eternity begins. Peace on earth comes from a relationship with your heavenly Father. In Him, you’ll find comfort for your sorrows. God’s satisfaction comes to those who place their trust in Him. Blessed are those who believe in Jesus, receiving His grace and mercy when in despair.
[i] Strong, J., & Strong, J. (2010). The New Strong’s expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible. (p. 155) Thomas Nelson
[ii] https://www.paramountplus.com/shows/1883/