2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 60-64 GW; Revelation 20 GW
Spiritual joy multiplies.
Experiencing God’s grace makes you want to share it with others. The Maker’s peace surpasses all understanding, something we can pass to others. Freedom in Christ brings new life, one you want others to experience as well. When people first believe in Jesus, their enthusiasm can often challenge people around them. They are overzealous in their desire to share Christ, often causing unintended harm. We learn to communicate Jesus’ love better as we grow and mature, knowing actions speak louder than words.
Ending another year of writing devotionals gives me joy. Thinking back over the last 365 days makes me grateful. Through thick and thin, God helped us persevere. Counting blessings, an excellent way to share the good news of Jesus with others. Praise God for providing us with a home, food, good health, and jobs. But also, thank God for walking with us through the moments of uncertainty and fear, for giving us hope when we felt hopeless. Praise God for His light which leads us through a dark world.
Praise God.
Sharing the good news means praising God to others. Tell people how believing in Jesus changed your life. Show others the way to find freedom in Christ. Honestly, talk about your struggles and how Jesus’ helped you overcome them. Accepting Christ means God’s Spirit lives within us, guiding us through our days. God’s assistance, available to all who believe. Sharing our faith means telling our story, how God changed our lives.
I’ve shopped for a cross necklace for months but didn’t find one I liked. Discouraged, I asked God for hope. We received our Christmas card from our uncle in Texas a week later. Nestled in a letter was a beautiful cross necklace, a mite in the middle. Mites are what the poor widow put in the offering; Jesus commended her for giving everything (Mark 12:41-44). Uncle Earl shared the good news through the action of love, inspiring and encouraging me to do the same.
We can’t help but share the good news with God’s spirit in us.

Lord, thank You for filling us with Your Spirit. Forgive us when we don’t follow Your promptings. As we move through the day, don’t let us miss opportunities to tell people what You’ve done for us. Help us praise you loudly to all those who will listen. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you praise God today?