2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 53-55 GW; Psalms 65 GW; Revelation 18 GW
Sins overwhelm.
“I hope he had time to make peace with his Maker.”
The prosecutor’s words struck me while listening to “Broken Chains,” part four of the “Truth Be Told” series by Kim Henderson about abuse in the church. Referring to David Earl King’s death, he was a pastor convicted of child abuse. In his final hours, no one knows if he found peace with God over what he did on earth. Thinking about making peace with our Maker means coming to terms with the things we’ve done.
In my fifties, making peace with my past allows me to strip myself of the things that hold me down. I’m not enjoying the present moment when I condemn myself for historical mistakes. Now only happens once. What I’m discovering, I’m overwhelmed with my sin. Constantly battling my human nature, past, present, and future exhausts me. Only when I make peace with God can I gain His.
Forgiveness frees.
“You are only as sick as your darkest secret.” my therapist said at the end of one of our sessions. The things we can’t or won’t talk about in life make us sick. Confessing our sins to God begins the healing process. As we accept that God loves us, we can start to forgive ourselves no matter our sins. In my experience, I’m the one I can’t forgive. My expectations of myself are higher than any I place on someone else. When I’m struggling, God helps.
God’s grace never ends nor depletes. Jesus died to give us life, hanging on the cross for us. Someone had to bear our sins; Jesus did the job. If we don’t accept His gift, our sin will overwhelm us. Saying “Yes” to Christ frees you from your past, allowing you to live in the moment, enjoying the now.
Make peace with your Maker. Speak your secrets to Him. Feel less overwhelmed today.

Lord, thank You for saving us. Forgive us for not believing or accepting the gift you offer. Help us become healthier as we bear our sins to You. Cleanse us from our pasts, purify us through Christ’s blood, heal us completely. Teach us to enjoy the moment, knowing You have us in the palm of Your hand. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Have you accepted God’s grace in your life?