How God’s Calling and Protection Will Make You Do What Is Right

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2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 42-44 GW; Revelation 15 GW

God protects.

Doing the right thing always takes effort.  Overcoming hurt feelings to represent God well, never easy.  To love people, we must overlook their offenses.  Instead of assuming hurtful actions were intentional, think they weren’t.  Remember God loves them too, our calling, communicate God’s affection to them.  God never calls us to judge; He calls us to love.

Keeping in stride with Jesus, we must remind ourselves of His perspective.  Dying on the cross, the ultimate act of love.  Jesus died for you, me, and the person you’re mad at right now.  No exceptions of who we’re to love, everyone.  Doing the right thing, the best way to share God’s love.  

Start with prayer.

If you don’t know what the right thing to do is in life, start with prayer.  Believe as God’s purpose unfolds in your life, He will give you direction.  As you partner with God, coming under His protective wing, you will find the courage to take the next step.

Forgiving someone who hurt you takes courage.  Letting go of past offenses, praying for ones who’ve betrayed you, difficult.  But with God, all things are possible.  Allowing Jesus to guide and direct your steps will help you do the right thing.  If you falter, God will give you another chance.  

“You don’t have to hit a home run every time; you just have to get on base.” Rick Warren

When we take steps of faith, we must give ourselves grace.  Do the best you can, trusting God will do the rest.  We can get on base under our Maker’s protection, one hit at a time.  Eventually, becoming obedient to God becomes your only option, realizing, no other way works as well.  

God will hold your hand, helping you accomplish your mission.  Following Jesus, always the path to victory.  Live for the applause of one.  Nailed scarred hands give the best protection.


Check out my new release on Amazon. Learn how I used prayer to control my emotions and develop healthier relationships in my life.

Lord, thank You for protecting us in our calling.  Forgive us for doubting Your divine intervention.  As we move through our day, help us remember our calling to love You and others.  Give us the strength to do the demanding things we all must do in life.  Shetler us in Your arms as we do our best to represent You well.  Guide and direct us, Lord, today and always.  IJNIP.  Amen

Question for reflection

What is God calling you to do?

Check out my new release on Amazon. Learn how I used prayer to control my emotions and develop healthier relationships in my life.

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