2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Isaiah 29-31 GW; Revelation 11 GW
God revives our souls.
Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, nothing compares to fresh snow. Silently falling from the sky, blanketing the earth, the beauty from frozen water crystals takes the breath away. Now, living in the south, I rarely see snow. But I remember the excitement I felt each year when the first snow fell. A rejuvenation to my soul occurred, watching the world change right before my eyes.
Life constantly changes. During the hot days of summer, when the heat drains all energy from us, fall seems impossible. But then, a slight chill in the air indicates a change of season. Before you know what’s happening, the holidays are upon us, bringing the trials and tribulations of a decadent holiday filled with an abundance of food, drink, and merriment. Overspending, trying to find the perfect present, causes stress above and beyond the norm. December 26th eventually comes, leaving us exhausted and tired once again. Winter days seem endless, but once again, change occurs as the weather warms and the leaves bud.
Seasons define life.
During stressful periods, our strength wanes. Trying to maintain a positive attitude becomes exhausting. Finding joy in a world of sadness seems impossible. But if we think of our current situation as a season, we have hope; better days are coming. Without our dark days, we wouldn’t appreciate the light.
God gives us strength for whatever battles we face. But He doesn’t empower us until we need it. Seasons don’t change one day too soon. God’s timing, always perfect, doesn’t match ours. What we think we need versus reality often differs. God increases our strength when it needs increasing, not a minute sooner. Just as we can count on the seasons to change, we can rely on God to strengthen us when needed.
Whatever task you face today, God will give you the strength to accomplish it. Hang tight with God. Just as the seasons change in due time, God will strengthen you when you need it.

Lord, thank You for giving us what we need when we need it. Forgive us for losing hope. As we face the divine tasks in front of us today, supply us with all we need to accomplish it. Increase our strength, invigorate our souls, help us face our giants well. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How has God strengthened you at the right moment?