2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Isaiah 25-28 GW; Revelation 10 GW
Perfect planning brings wondrous things.
God unfolds the things He planned long ago in our life. Before our birth, our Creator knew our days. “From womb to the tomb,” as Pastor Thomas says, our journey’s Travel Agent booked the trip well in advance.
“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16 NIV)
Counting on God’s faithfulness means believing what He says. God desired a relationship with you long before you were a twinkle in your mother’s eye. Our heavenly Father designs each of us with purpose. The temporary struggles we face in life help us fulfill our mission. God never leaves nor forsakes us.
Not only does God plan the trip, but He also travels with us. Not one day passes without God’s presence.
Trust the Travel Agent.
Life happens one moment at a time. Instead of worrying about what “could happen” or what “did happen” focus on the present. Today will never happen again. Tomorrow’s worries aren’t the same, maybe better, maybe worse, only time will tell. Now means present, in this moment, one that won’t come again. Don’t miss now, trust God’s got tomorrow covered. Enjoy today, not worrying about tomorrow.
When I worked for Nautica, we had a travel department. If the airlines canceled my flight, or the hotel didn’t have my reservation, the company provided a hotline. The 800 number connected me to a travel agent who would resolve the issue. Therefore, I didn’t worry when traveling, I knew who to call if I experienced trouble.
Traveling through life, you will encounter trouble. Call God’s hotline for help; He’s got the answer for our problems. God can interpret sighs of frustration; He speaks all prayer languages. But if you don’t pick up the phone, He can’t help with the problem. Whether silent or spoken, God hears our prayers. Perfect faithfulness makes our Travel Agent the best.

Lord, thank You for planning our days long before we were born. Forgive us for not acknowledging You more as we journey through life. Let Your itinerary unfold in our lives as we seek You. Help us believe in Your perfect faithfulness. As we follow You, help us enjoy the journey. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How have you seen God’s faithfulness in your life?