2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Esther 3-5 GW; Psalms 10 GW; Acts 26 GW
Distance is debatable.
We may feel like God is distant, but that doesn’t mean He is. Let’s face facts, who doesn’t want God at their beck and call? Everyone has an opinion on how the world should operate, but that doesn’t mean it will. God is the boss; we’re the employee. Just because our emotions tell us God is far away doesn’t mean He is. And growth requires space.
When babies take their first steps, parents have to let go of their hands. If the mom doesn’t release the tiny fingers, the child’s feet won’t find self-balance. At first, the space is minimal; mom is inches away, ready to catch their wobbling toddler before they fall. But as the child becomes more stable, mom moves farther away, still watching but giving them the distance to walk alone. God does the same for us.
“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” (1 Corinthians 13:11 NIV)
Reason like an adult.
God gives us space because He is helping us grow. Just like mom knows to let go of her child’s hand, God knows when to release ours. Maturity comes with each step we take. Every day is a learning lesson, teaching us something new. God never stops educating us. We’re the ones who hinder the process because we want God to do the work for us.
Journeying through life means taking steps alone. Potholes are part of the process. We will have flat tires stopping our progress. In life, things happen we don’t see coming, deflating our wheels. Our choice is whether to fix the flat or stay stuck on the side of the road. God wants you to change the tire and keep moving. God will provide the tools you need; He is spurring you onwards.
Choose to trust God is near. God isn’t distant. He’s giving you space to grow.

Lord, thank You for helping us become mature. Forgive us for resisting the growth steps necessary. Help us remember You are never far from us; feelings aren’t facts. Lead us on the journey, help us keep moving forward, no matter what. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How is God trying to grow you today?