2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Nehemiah 12-13 GW; Acts 24 GW
Become a ring leader.
Tertullus, an attorney speaking to Felix, is accusing Paul of causing trouble. Spreading the news of Jesus stirred the pot in Jewish tradition. Steeped in over 600 laws, Jews couldn’t keep them without regular sacrifice and ritual. Paul, previously a religious leader, says their animal sacrifices are no longer necessary. Jesus fulfilled the law once and for all on the cross. No one likes having their world turned upside down, especially the Pharisees whose identity was in their position.
Following Jesus means choosing a new identity. Instead of finding worth in things of the world, your worth is in who God says you are. Life Community Church, a church plant near and dear to my heart, starts its service off with this reminder:
My Identity
I am a child of God.
Redeemed by Christ.
Loved, pursued, and chosen.
Equipped with the words of life.
Commissioned here and now.
Gifted by the Holy Spirit.
Forgiven and free.
Know your identity.
Understanding your identity leads to new life. Once Paul understood what a relationship with Jesus means, he left his old lifestyle. Instead of persecuting and killing Christ-followers, he uplifted and encouraged them. Stirring the pot means challenging people to take steps of faith towards a new life grounded in the promises of Jesus.
Recently, in a writing class I’m taking, we evaluated personal essays. My submission was about “Pilot Pete,” a man whose faith impacted my life at a pivotal moment. Because of my post, the class talked about God, which stirred the pot. Not everyone in the class believes in a higher power. Becoming a ring leader means talking about your relationship with Jesus to others. You don’t have to know every scripture in the Bible to share with others what God does and is doing in your life. All you have to do is tell the truth. Tell others what God means to you and why.
Become a ring leader. Give people something to think about today. Share your God story with them.

Lord, thank You for giving us a story. Forgive us for not sharing Your works in our life more. Give us opportunities today to stir the pot by telling our tale. As we tell others about You, help them gain a new perspective about You and themselves. Help us ground ourselves in our identity in Christ. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who can you share your God story with today?