2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Nehemiah 6 GW; Acts 19 GW; Psalms 59 GW
Priorities keep you on task.
Knowing what your purpose is helps you set priorities. Nehemiah knew his job was rebuilding the wall. After praying about the job, God paved the way for Nehemiah to do it. One step at a time, God opened doors for Nehemiah, leading him to where we find him today; building an impenetrable wall around Jerusalem. Because of his journey, Nehemiah knew he was in God’s will. Therefore, when people tried to pull him away from his task, Nehemiah didn’t fall for their trickery.
Right now, I’m in the process of praying over next year. Seeking God’s will for my life means spending time in prayer. First I ask God what area He wants to develop in me. Transparency is the word I felt impressed upon my spirit. Then I spend time in the scriptures, looking for a guiding verse:
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16 NIV)
Become intentional.
Narrowing down my focus to one word allows me to become more intentional. As a writer, transparency is necessary to tell the whole story. However, uncovering our sinful nature isn’t easy for anyone. But because I have a guiding word and scripture, as I move through next year, my challenge to myself is becoming more transparent in all situations. When someone tries to get me off task, like they did Nehemiah, I know my priorities. Understanding the project leads to serving God well.
Seek God’s will for your life through quiet reflection. Ask Him what He wants to develop in you, then wait for an answer. Once you feel convicted in your spirit about the direction God wants you to go, commit to it for 365 days. Find a scripture to help guide you through the year. Watch as God grows you in ways you never imagined.
Developing priorities help you serve God well.

Lord, thank You for giving us divine tasks. Forgive us for not seeking You first when we start a new journey. As we come to You today, provide us with direction for our lives. Help us know where You want us to go. Give us the priorities You have for us; let us serve You well with them. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What area of your life does God want to grow?