2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Nehemiah 4-5 GW; Acts 18 GW
Tap into the source.
Surrounded by enemies, families stood prepared to defend their homes. Rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem required sacrifice. People opposed came prepared for battle. Nehemiah, looking at God’s faithful servants, inspires them with his speech:
“Don’t be afraid of our enemies. Remember how great and awe-inspiring the Lord is. Fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.” (Nehemiah 4:14 GW)
When preparing for battle, remember God’s power. Before tapping into any other defense, tap into the ultimate Defender. Our Hero doesn’t lose; God always wins. When we utilize God’s strength, victory is ours.
Fight for your loved ones. Whatever issues they are facing, battle for them in prayer. Drop to your knees and connect with your Creator. Ask God to do the heavy lifting. Let Him know you’re available and willing to serve. Pray for God to direct you in the brawl, showing you clearly what your role is.
Tapping into God’s strength will make you confident. Knowing God’s will for you gives you purpose and vision. Understanding, God is in your corner creates security. For me, praying “Confident, not Hesitant” reminds me of God’s power in my life. When faced with a daunting divine task, knowing God is in my corner gives me courage.
We’ll do things for others we won’t do for ourselves. When a friend’s granddaughter entered this world, she immediately quit smoking. Her new grandbaby gave her a reason to stop the life-threatening habit. Parents do things for their kids they wouldn’t otherwise do. Doing for others gives us reasons to do things we wouldn’t.
Access God’s power through prayer. Seek His divine insight for the battle ahead. Pray “Confident, not Hesitant,” knowing God has your back.

Lord, thank You for Your mighty power. Forgive us for not tapping into such an essential resource. Today, as we fight for our loved ones, equip us for the battle. Defend us to our enemies. As we pray, “Confident, not Hesitant,” fill us with Your strength. Let us march boldly into battle, knowing victory is Yours. In all things, the glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who needs you to battle for them today?