2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Amos 1-2 GW; Psalms 142 GW; Acts 12 GW
God knows your pain.
Whether you believe God understands your pain or not doesn’t negate Him knowing it. Heartache and grief are isolating emotions. Because the hurt is personal, it’s difficult for others to understand, but not God.
A few years into my marriage, Ron and I were enjoying an evening beside the campfire. Working through a couples study, “Five Dates” by Mike and Jennifer Foster, led to an exciting conversation. Each “date” came with a different topic. The question we discussed was, “What two events from your childhood impacted your life?” My immediate response was, “The death of my father.” Ron’s were sports-related incidents.
Ron’s response surprised me. “Just because I haven’t gone through what you went through doesn’t mean I can’t empathize. And it doesn’t mean you get to wear your pain like a badge of honor.” Ron’s honesty freed me.
Don’t lose hope.
Ron empathized with my pain; God completely understood it. Jesus died on the cross, God’s Son, innocent, yet sacrificed for our sins. God knows my pain, and He knows yours. Believing this truth will help you move through your pain.
God handles our pain with kid gloves. Through the hurts in our life, we can choose how to deal with them. For years, I didn’t manage my heartache well. But when I started to give bits and pieces of the misery to God, He helped me begin to heal. Through my husband, God illuminated specific areas I had yet to give Him. After Ron spoke truth into my life, I started seeing the parts I wasn’t giving God. Now, years later, I’ve become healthier than ever. But first, I had to believe; God knew my pain.
Trust God knows your pain. Don’t believe your feelings; believe your Maker. He is with you in the pit. God loves you. Give Him your heartache.

Lord, thank You for knowing our deepest hurts. Forgive us for not believing You do. Please help us to lay our pain at the foot of the cross. Begin the healing process in us as we turn to You. Let us empty our hurts to You. Fill us with Your love in return. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What pain are you holding onto today?