2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Joel 1 GW; Acts 10 GW
God remembers.
Cornelius, a Roman Soldier, was God’s servant. Fearing the Lord, Cornelius prayed and did good works. God noticed. Now, at this crucial time in history, Cornelius is a significant player. Immediately, Cornelius obeyed the angel, sending messengers to bring Peter to him.
Meanwhile, Peter has his vision in the city of Joppa, opening the door for Gentiles (non-Jews) to become part of the movement. Cornelius’s messengers arrive, the Holy Spirit tells Peter to go with them. So he does.
When Peter and Cornelius share their visions, they both recognize God’s hand. Peter shares the message of Jesus with the crowd; the Holy Spirit shows up, life change occurs for all.
I picture Cornelius, a middle-aged man who always does the right thing. Worked hard for his family, helped others to the best of his ability, and stayed connected to God. A regular, hardworking guy who thinks no one notices. But God does; he never misses a thing.
God notices you.
You may not think He does, but God notices. And He remembers. When you held the door open for a stranger or kept your tongue when you wanted to lash out, God saw. When you prayed to Him, God heard you. Just because God doesn’t answer the way you want doesn’t mean He didn’t listen. We work for God; He doesn’t work for us.
And feelings lie, all the time. Don’t allow emotions to dictate faith. God knows you’re trying. He sees your heart, God remembers. Every day, your efforts are growing God’s kingdom. Each act of love towards someone else is a building block. Together, we build the Kingdom.

Lord, thank You for seeing everything. Forgive us for thinking You don’t. Help us understand; life is a journey Each day, we’re becoming a new creation, leaving the old behind, starting fresh. Let us have grace for ourselves as You do. Soften our hearts, keep us pure. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you do when God doesn’t feel close?