2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 80 GW; Ezekiel 19-20 GW
Everyone wavers.
Asaph, the author of today’s Psalm, is asking God to restore Israel once again. Repeatedly, the Israelites turn from God, then back to Him. Just like us, we are no different than them. False gods still exist, as do idols. We can find lots of things to worship other than God. But none of those things will fulfill us as God can. When we realize we’ve strayed, restoration is necessary.
“O God, restore us and smile on us so that we may be saved.” (Psalm 80:3 GW)
No one goes from the womb to the tomb without strife. Everyone who is born has struggles. Sometimes, they take us to God; other times, we turn away from Him. When my father died, I spent ten years running from God. Angry, full of unexpressed emotions, I isolated myself from God and people. When I finally found my way back, my prayer became simple. “Don’t let me turn away again, God. I don’t want to go through that ever again.”
Let God Restore you.
Asking God for His power and strength will restore you. God provides for us what we can’t do for ourselves. We’re incapable of restoring ourselves, we can’t save ourselves. Only God has the power to rescue us. You can always call out to Jesus, He’s never out of hearing.
Currently, I’m listening to “Hinds’ Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard. The novel depicts the journey we all take as we follow Jesus. Our heroine, “Much-Afraid,” crippled and rejected, chooses to trust the Shepherd who will lead her to high places, renaming her “Acceptance with Joy.” Her companions are Sorrow and Suffering; anytime Much-Afraid needs the Shepherd, all she has to do is call out to Him. We’re “Much-Afraid,” God wants us to become “Acceptance with Joy.” We can, knowing the Shepherd is always near.
Call out to God. Let Him restore you today. Let go of fear; replace it with joy.

Lord, thank You for proximity; when we call, You answer. Forgive us for turning from You. Help us never leave You again. Let us cling to You with fervor, experiencing Your unending joy. Strengthen us for the journey; help us find the high places with You. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do area of your life needs restoration?