2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 17-18 GW; Psalms 24 GW
Rest is God’s mic drop.
David is our speaker today; he’s talking about God’s sovereignty. Everything on the earth is God’s; He controls the wind and the rains. David ends the psalm with my word for this year, “Selah,” which means to pause for reflection, resting. Found only 71 times in the Psalms, the placement after David’s exclamation did make me pause.
God is in control, period. No ifs, and, or buts about God’s sovereignty. We are not the ones running the world; God is. Definitely a good place for a mic drop, don’t you think?
One of my daily tasks on my phone reminds me to stop and listen. Selah. Defining Rest in an Age of Productivity is the Youversion reading plan where I found these words:
“Selah: stop and listen. Man’s blessing didn’t come from what he produced; rather, what he produced stemmed from his blessing. Let that blessing fuel your work so that striving ceases and what you produce comes out of a place of rest.”
Stop striving and start resting. Let God’s mic drop impact your life. You don’t have to control everything; it’s not on your job description. As my therapist likes to remind me, my job isn’t to save the world; that’s God’s work. My mission on earth is the same every day, love God, love others. Only by resting in God can I accomplish my goal.
Transitioning this year from graduate school into a new career was difficult for me. For the first time in my life, I didn’t rush into the “next thing.” Instead, I did the best I could to let God do the leading. Patience isn’t my virtue, but after this year, it’s better than ever. What I find is I’m talking less and listening more, both with God and people. I’m becoming better at having uncomfortable conversations that lead to healthier relationships. And I’m writing because I know that’s what God created me to do. Each morning I ask Him to let the words flow. So far, so God.
Rest is God’s mic drop. Selah.

Lord, thank You for controlling the world and removing that burden from us. Forgive us for trying anyway. Help us today; rest in You. Let Your mic drop change our lives. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you stop and listen to God today?