2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 13-15 GW; Galatians 5 GW
Fresh fruit depends on God.
Allowing God’s Spirit to work within us will help us produce good fruit. When we let God take control, He works inside our hearts. We can’t grow spiritual fruit without God’s help. Our human nature has a different plan:
“Now, the effects of the corrupt nature are obvious: illicit sex, perversion, promiscuity, idolatry, drug use, hatred, rivalry, jealousy, angry outbursts, selfish ambition, conflict, factions, envy, drunkenness, wild partying, and similar things.” (Galatians 5:19-21 GW)
Yep, left to our own devices, we get into trouble. Personal experience knows this truth too well; allowing God to lead changes things. We can overcome our sinful nature with the Father’s mighty power. No way can we exhibit the fruits of the Spirit without the Spirit.
Develop sensitivity.
Years ago, at Christmas, God inspired me. Studying the fruits of the Spirit, I created a fun activity to get through the holidays. Writing out each fruit on paper, I made cute little bags for them. Then I gave the festive pouches to each of my friends, with simple instructions. Each day during the holiday season, we drew a fruit from the bag. Throughout our day, we were to practice that particular fruit. Over the month-long project, we had the opportunity to actively engage with each fruit, relying on God’s Spirit to help us in our efforts.
As in all things, we have a choice. Choosing to focus on the fruit of the Spirit means denying our selfish desires. One can’t practice self-control and drunkenness at the same time. God’s Spirit guides us in the opposite direction of our sinful nature. Letting God take the wheel is worthwhile. No one ever regretted not drinking alcohol, but many people regret overindulging, including me. I’d rather wake up full of God’s Spirit than a hangover from the night before.
Let God’s Spirit lead you today. Become sensitive to His promptings. Produce good fruit by relying on God.

Lord, thank You for Your Spirit within us. Forgive us for ignoring Your promptings and following our selfish desires. Today, help us become more sensitive. Let us produce good fruit that will uplift and encourage others. As we learn to rely on Your Spirit more, bless our efforts. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What fruit of the Spirit do you want to focus on today?