2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Daniel 11-12 GW; James 5 GW
Suffering ends.
One way or another, what struggle you’re enduring today will end someday. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but trials do pass. In my mind, when things are at their worst, I have the same thought: “God’s got something really good in store for me.” Why else would God allow so much pain and suffering if He didn’t have something up His sleeve?
We forget so quickly; this world is temporary. Our eternal life lasts forever. The few decades we get on Earth are nothing compared to infinity in heaven. A few nights ago, I was reading through our family lineage my cousin did. Scanning through the pages, I found names I’d never heard of before. My imagination began wondering about their lives. They struggled more than I can even imagine. Dating back to the early 1800s, more than half lived without electricity. Deaths from Diptheria and other deadly diseases were common. Hospitals weren’t on every corner like they are today. Death ends worldly struggles.
Eternity is good.
Whatever my ancestor’s struggles were, every one of them ended. God called them into eternity at their appointed time. Whatever purpose God created for them fulfilled, final rest came.
I still struggle with death, as many of us do. Like so many other hurting hearts, I’ve lost loved ones—some at very young ages, which is hard to understand. But Jesus says He prepares a place for us, and I believe Him.
“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:2 NIV)
Faith believes something better is coming. Belief gives hope. If we just looked at our circumstances, we would have no hope. But if we look to Jesus, believing His words are valid, we’ll know, suffering ends.
Take heart today. Whatever God’s taking you through, He’s preparing you for the blessing. And trust Him, it’s worth the trip.

Lord, thank You for Your unending love and mercy. Forgive us for losing hope in our struggles. Renew our spirits today with a fresh breath from You. Give us hope for our futures, ones that You’ve prepared for us. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How does your relationship with God give you hope?