2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Daniel 9-10 GW; James 4 GW
God understands motive.
We think our requests to God are pure but often aren’t. God knows when we’re asking for something for our pleasure, even when we don’t. When I was a child, asking God to make my parents say” “Yes,” to whatever childish request I had never worked. Why wouldn’t God do my will?
Because God isn’t at my beck and call, I’m at His. We think we know what is good for us, but we don’t. An alcoholic wouldn’t take the first drink if he knew it would ruin his life. God knows when we’re drinking from the wrong cup. If we’re heading down the wrong path, God changes our direction. Our annoyances are God’s maneuverings. When things don’t go our way, sometimes, it’s because we’re going in the wrong direction.
Honesty is the best policy.
We can’t decipher our motives as God can. What we can do is talk to God honestly about whatever is going on in our lives. Currently, I have a relationship issue that seems stagnant from my perspective. I’ve followed God’s promptings to the best of my ability, but nothing seems to happen. The harder I try, the worse the situation seems to get. But I keep talking to God about the circumstance, asking for His guidance. What I’ve found, God is changing me.
The situations God puts in our lives grow us. God purifies our hearts by giving us what we need, not what we want. One of my favorite movies, Bruce Almighty, depicts what happens if God said “Yes” to everyone’s requests. Chaos would rule because our desires aren’t pure. Think of some of the situations you’ve prayed about in your life. With hindsight, you’re thankful God said, “No.” We all have them.
God knows our motives. He purifies our hearts with His answers. If God doesn’t give you what you want, trust He’s got your back. No one loves you more than God. Believe God knows what is best for you, especially when you don’t.

Lord, thank You for saying, “No” to us. Forgive us for expecting You to answer to us. Help us accept Your sovereignty in our lives. Whatever answer You give us, we know it’s the best one. Protect us from ourselves. You know we need it. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How has God annoyed you lately?