2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Daniel 1-2 GW; Psalms 136 GW
Forever doesn’t end.
And neither does God’s mercies. Whatever you’re beating yourself up for today, God will forgive you. Don’t let your misdeeds separate you from the unconditional love of God. His mercies are fresh every morning:
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore, I will hope in Him.” (Lamentations 3:22-24 ESV)
Every single day of your life, God has fresh mercies for you and me. As humans, we are never going to achieve perfection. Not until God calls us to our heavenly home will we find absolute excellence. Until then, we will battle our sinful nature. But God’s mercy is available to help us start again.
Managing my weight is always a challenge. Some weeks I do well, others not so fantastic. But each Saturday morning, when I step on the scale, it is a restart. Whether the past seven days were good or bad, my slate is clean, and I begin again. Life with God gives you the same opportunity each morning.
Surrender daily.
Beginning again daily with God requires surrender. Acknowledging the sins of yesterday helps to lay them at the foot of the cross, allowing God to do His work in us. The first thing God does is cover us in His mercy. He is renewing us as He forgives us and prepares us for the day ahead.
Essentially, receiving God’s mercy means giving up our schedule for His, laying down our desires, pursuing God’s instead. No matter how many times we falter, God always forgives. His purpose for your life is unique to you. Whatever challenges you face, God will use them to grow you, helping you become a new person in Christ.
Accept your human nature. Trust that God forgives you. Each morning, start fresh. Receive God’s mercy and begin again. His mercies are forever, never-ending.

Lord, thank You for Your unending mercy for our lives. Forgive us for thinking we’re unforgivable. Soften our hearts today, help us receive the mercy You offer. As we do, give us what we need to forgive ourselves. For everyone reading this, renew their hearts as they receive Your mercy. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you need to lay at the foot of the cross today?