2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Jeremiah 27-29 GW; Hebrews 7 GW
Jesus prays for you.
Because Jesus is eternal, He never stops interceding. Throughout the pages of scripture, priests stand between the people and God, offering sacrifices and atonement. Realizing, none of them can provide total atonement; God sent Jesus. No other priests are needed, just Jesus. Sitting at the right hand of the Father, Jesus has His ear. When you place your faith in Him, Jesus takes up your cause.
None of us are without sin. No matter how hard we try, we can’t save ourselves. Good deeds don’t get you to heaven; Jesus does. Only through Him can we experience a relationship with God. Jesus’s grace and mercy extend to everyone. Anyone who chooses to follow Jesus will encounter His unconditional love. No matter what the offense, Jesus forgives. Not only does He absolve you of your misdeeds, but you can also walk boldly, knowing Jesus has your back.
Join the family.
Becoming part of God’s family means you’re never alone. Whether you have lots of relatives on earth or few in God’s household, you have plenty. Big brother Jesus is watching out for you. Sitting by Dad’s side, Jesus lets Him know what’s going on with you. He asks God to intercede on your behalf when necessary. Nothing you do is out of Jesus’s sight. No matter what you do, you can’t get rid of Jesus. Blood is thicker than water, Jesus’s blood the thickest.
Picture the family gathering, God in His comfy chair He’s sat in for eternity. Jesus by His side, smiling and happy. Us at their feet loved utterly, adoration on our faces—what a beautiful thing, life in God’s family is.
Join today, don’t wait another moment.

Lord, thank You for Jesus. Forgive us for not turning to Him sooner. Help us open our hearts to Him entirely. Let us confess all of our sins, even the ones we don’t honestly believe He will forgive because we’ve judged them unforgivable. But Jesus doesn’t; He forgives all. Today, let us believe this truth in the core of our soul. Ingratiate us with Your love so profoundly; we have no doubt. Jesus loves us, warts and all. Curl us into Your arms, God; let us feel Your love today and always. All glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you want to talk to Jesus about today?