2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 75 GW; Jeremiah 25-26 GW; Hebrews 6 GW
Make an effort.
One of the sayings I’ve adopted in my life as a coach is, “No one does anything well the first time.” Time and again, I see frustration rear its ugly head as students struggle to make contact with the ball or make the fuzzy yellow sphere go where they want. People expect the first time they do something to do it well, but that’s not reality.
God isn’t expecting perfection from you; He expects effort. No matter how many times you fall, get back up and keep trying. When I first started coaching, one student taught me this lesson. The pupil’s lack of coordination meant he couldn’t hit the ball. At one point, I was beginning to think tennis wasn’t the sport for him. But he didn’t give up. Week after week, he showed up and tried. Eventually, he began to hit the ball, then he began to control the ball, and now he is in the top six of his tennis team.
God sees you.
God knows you’re trying. Even the meagerest efforts, God sees. He knows your heart behind the action. Loving people imperfectly is better than not loving them at all. Intent is what God judges. Give yourself grace when your tryings fail, brush yourself off, and try again. When our motives are in line with God’s, He uses all things for the good.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)
My favorite prayer for my husband and I, “God bless our efforts.” Realistically, we’re not going to do the task perfectly, but with God’s help, our efforts aren’t in vain. God knows we’re trying, and we’re doing the best we can. The rest is up to God.
Whatever the task before you, ask God to bless your efforts. Watch as God honors your request.

Lord, thank You for remembering our efforts. Forgive us for trying to do things without You. As we move through our day, bless our efforts. Purify our hearts, refine our motives and let us do everything to the best of our ability for You. When we falter, help us have grace for ourselves and others. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What effort do you want God to bless today?