2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Habakkuk 1-3 GW; Philippians 4 GW
God brings joy.
Our hope is in God, which is where our joy originates. No other way can we find God’s peace except in Him. Joy doesn’t come from our circumstances; it cultivates within the heart. Only when we allow God into our soul can His joy become part of us. God’s an interior designer:
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10 NIV)
Our heart is where our natural human emotions live: jealousy, hatred, greed, lust—our wants and desires. However, following our longings doesn’t go well. I tried that lifestyle in my twenties; it led me to rock bottom with no place to look but up. Our actions do have consequences, ones we must face. Looking in the mirror at our misdeeds isn’t fun. But with God’s grace, we can.
Plant the seed
In all we do, we plant seeds, good or bad. When I act out of my human emotion, I leave broken relationships behind in my path. But when I let God enter into the conversation, I build them. Giving my negative feelings to God allows Him to redesign my heart. When God holds the mirror up for me to see my sin, He does so with love.
God’s interior design is grace and mercy. Instead of allowing negative emotions to control us, He helps us lead with love. As we begin to love others better, the seeds we plant will produce joy in our lives. Our desire to submit to God will strengthen as we become joyful, allowing Him access to more and more of our hearts.
Joy is found in the Lord, nowhere else. Let Jesus into your heart today. Allow God to redecorate your heart with His love.

Lord, thank You for Your love. Forgive us for rejecting You time and again, choosing our way instead. Soften our hearts, help us allow You access to the rooms that need the most work. Redecorate our souls with Your love, grace, and mercy. As we move through our days, let us share Your gift to us with everyone we meet. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What room in your heart do you need to let God into today?