2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Hosea 7 GW; Romans 11 GW; Psalms 145 GW
Get comfortable not knowing.
Explaining why God does what He does isn’t our main purpose in life. We can’t possibly understand the God of the universe. Our limited perspective gives us the information we need to live our lives, not explain the world’s workings. And even then, waiting on God to reveal the next step in our journey is a huge part of traveling with God.
Becoming comfortable not knowing is freeing. Just because we don’t have all the answers doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy life. My favorite phrase to use is, “God only knows….”
“We make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” (Proverbs 16:9 NLT)
God directs our steps.
Every week I pray over my calendar. Mark Batterson, the pastor of National Community Church, inspired me to do this years ago. Using a planner, I write all of my appointments in it, then pray over them. If you’re on my schedule, I pray for our meeting in advance. At the end of my journaling, I always ask God, “Don’t let me miss any Divine Appointments.” God lives up to His word.
Never does my week go as planned. Appointments get added and dropped. I never know how my week is going to go, but God does. None of us knows what the future holds, except for God. He knows exactly where He’s taking us and for what purpose. We have to trust and follow.
Give up trying to answer every question. At some point, accept God’s sovereignty in your life. Realize, God’s thoughts are far above ours; we can’t possibly understand them. But we can trust, follow and obey. As we do, God will reveal more of His plan to us. Now and then, we’ll get glimpses of the work God is doing in and around us. Moments like those will make you want to follow God even closer.
You don’t have to know everything. Just trust God has your best interest at heart because He does.

Lord, thank You for looking out for us. Forgive us for trying to understand things above our pay grade. Help us accept Your sovereignty in our lives today. Draw us closer to You as we trust You more and more. In You, we find life. IJNP. Amen
Question for reflection
How is God asking you to trust Him today?