2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 104 GW; Job 38 GW; Romans 6 GW
Let go of the past.
Jesus forgives our past and makes the future bright. Whatever skeletons are in your closet no longer have power over you. When God forgives, He does so entirely. Today is your opportunity to start new.
“Devenir” is the French word for becoming. To help me remember that I’m becoming a new person in Christ every day, I created a license plate with the word on it. Every time I see the adjective, it reminds me of God’s continuous work in me. The person I was ten years ago, I no longer am. Following Jesus leads us away from the sins of yesterday into the fullness of life with Him.
When we place our faith in Jesus, He brings light into our lives. Our past mistakes help others not follow the path we once did. Sharing our struggles with others helps creates community. Turning our lives over to Jesus allows Him to take what was once old and make it new.
Let your life change as you follow Jesus. God doesn’t expect perfection, just effort. Changing your ways takes time and energy. Transformation occurs when we do what God wants instead of what we want. Saying yes to God means saying no to our fleshly desires.
When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it has to go through a metamorphosis. Transformation occurs when the caterpillar enters the Pupa stage. Wrapped inside a cocoon of silk, the caterpillar is undergoing massive change. From the outside, nothing appears to happen, but on the inside, a beautiful butterfly is forming. Some caterpillars take up to two years to transition, while others only a few weeks.
God is transforming us. We might not see the change immediately, but over time our wings will grow. Our old self is left behind as our new one emerges.

Lord, thank You for transforming us. Forgive us for resisting the change you are trying to make. Help us today transition into a new creation. Allow Your Spirit to guide us as we navigate through our days. In all things, we are becoming new, one day at a time. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How is God transforming you today?