2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Job 36-37 GW; Psalms 29 GW; Romans 5 GW
Suffering breeds confidence.
When you face the worst-case scenario and overcome it, you gain confidence. Only when you go through something, do you know you can survive it.
We all will experience things in life we wish we never would, but we will grow more confident in God through those times. Applying God’s word to our troubles will guide us through our heartaches. Believing in God’s promises give us hope to face the day. Jesus overcame the world for us:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)
When my dad died, I was a junior in high school. Passing away in June, I will never forget returning to school in the fall. People either avoided me because they didn’t know what to say, or they told me how strong I was for surviving my dad’s death. Nothing irritated me more than people admiring my strength. From my perspective, toughness wasn’t part of the equation. I wasn’t strong; I just didn’t have a choice. Whether I liked it or not, I lost my father at a young age, and nothing I did would change that fact. Not strong, just accepting.
Lean into God.
God helped me persevere. When my young heart railed with anger against God for taking my father, God took it. As I struggled through my days, God was ready with outstretched arms every time I turned to Him. Looking back, I can see the actions God took to protect me from myself; my pain caused self-destructive actions. Living caused endurance; I had no choice but to keep going. God became my confidence; with Him, I persevered.
God is working in your suffering. Each day, His presence is with you. Lean into Him for strength. Let Him help you endure. As you do, your confidence will grow; God will help you persevere. God is dependable; face today confidently with Him.

Lord, You are our rock. In times of trouble, You do not move. Forgive us for forgetting that fact. As we face our struggles, help us endure them. Let our confidence grow as we place our trust in You, no matter what the circumstances. In You, we find hope for a better day. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How do you need God to help you endure today?