2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 117-118 GW; 2 Chronicles 35-36 GW
Trust God, not man.
Psalm 118:8 is the middle verse of the Bible. Buried in the heart of God’s word is this gem. Place your expectations on God, let people off the hook.
We all share a common problem. Instead of expecting God to meet our needs, we want people to do it. When people disappoint us, which they always do, we get mad. But the truth is, we’re not to expect from people; God is where we are to look.
Unrealistic expectations of people set them up for failure. If I expected my husband to fill the void in my heart only God can fill, he’s going to fail. Even the most trustworthy person on the planet will break your trust. Part of the human condition is imperfect relationships with others. No one on earth is as trustworthy as our Father in heaven.
God is dependable.
Just because God doesn’t run the world the way you think He should, doesn’t mean He’s not dependable. God has the bird’s eye view we don’t possess. He knows the beginning, middle, and end of the story. No one else but God is trustworthy to do what He says He will do. Humans will fail, but God never does.
“Never make a principle out of your experience; let God be as original with other people as He is with you.” Oswald Chambers
Lower your expectations of people, raise them of God. Allow God to work in others’ lives as He wishes. Don’t try and make everyone the same. Don’t place unrealistic expectations on those you love. Allow their lives to unfold as they will, realizing, God’s purpose is different for each of us.
Letting people off the hook brings freedom to your relationships. Instead of living in constant disappointment, you can enjoy your loved ones for who they are. Place your trust in God; allow people their imperfections. God is your hope.

Lord, thank You for Your trustworthiness and dependability. Forgive us for placing expectations on the people in our lives they can’t meet. Help us let people off the hook as we put our hopes and dreams in Your hands. Meet our needs today. Help us love people well without expecting anything from them. In You, we place our trust. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who are you placing unrealistic expectations on today?