2 minute read.
God’s work brings joy.
Recently, a friend asked me if I believe in coincidences. He was talking about times when you run into people randomly. My response was, “I call those divine appointments.” To which he promptly replied, “I don’t believe in those.”
If we are going to find joy in God’s work, we must first believe He is working. Wherever you are today, God’s destiny for your life is unfolding. The people you interact with are God’s children; every single one of them matters to the Heavenly Father. Whether you call them coincidences or divine appointments, all of them are orchestrated by God. Each interaction you have is for a reason, what exactly, only God knows.
Belief leads to joy.
Christ followers base their belief on God and His existence. Laying our sinful ways at the foot of the cross means receiving God’s grace and mercy for us. Freedom comes in understanding God designed you for a purpose, loves you completely and wants an intimate relationship with you. God’s wifi network is Jesus, connecting to Him connects us to God.
Belief starts with Jesus. First we trust in the Prince of Peace, then we find His joy. Jesus died so that we could have eternal life, joy everlasting with Him. Our sins washed away by God’s Son.
First believe, then see. Start looking for ways God is working in your life. Notice the “coincidences” that happen. People God places in your life at the perfect moment for you. Someone who offers a kind word that keeps you going or listens when you need to vent. Someone whose love and kindness towards you affirms God’s affection for you.
Coincidences are one way God works in our lives and bring us joy. God operates in mysterious ways and is always up to something. His efforts producing joy in our lives.
Believe, find joy through Christ.

Lord, thank You for Your constant work in our lives. Forgive us for thinking You aren’t involved or active in our situations. Give us divine sight today to see the efforts of Your hands as they participate in our lives. Help us find the joy that comes only from You; no matter the circumstances, You have a plan. Let us believe today. Give us faith to persevere. Let us receive Your joy. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What coincidences has God used in your life lately?