2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 100 GW; 2 Chronicles 79 GW
Expectant hearts receive.
If you come to God deflated and not expecting Him to act, He won’t. But if you come to God with anticipation and a cheerful heart, you will receive.
On a recent visit to Lancaster, PA, we visited an Amish Ferrier. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, Christian pacifism, and slowness to adopt many conveniences of modern technology. Elam and Eli ran the blacksmith shop; they were servicing three horses when we arrived. They serve the Lord with cheerful hearts.
Gelassenheit is the German word that best defines Amish life: “not my will but Thine be done.” In all they do, the Amish put God first, themselves second. And they do so with a cheerful heart. As a result, God’s peace floods their lives.
Walking into the garage of old, horse smells filled my nostrils, sweat trickled down my back as we watched the brothers work. Eli was soldering a horseshoe when we arrived. Elam was scraping an old shoe of a medium-sized riding horse. Both were smiling the entire time. Eli’s eyes lit up when he saw us; Elam’s grin was from ear to ear. Dressed in long pants, long shirts with the sleeves rolled up, not once did they complain. The entire time they talked to us, they were cheerful, their hearts full of God’s goodness in their lives.
No matter where we are or what our circumstances are, we are to serve God cheerfully. Whatever task, no matter how difficult, do it with gratitude. Good health and the ability to work are gifts from God that we should thank Him for daily. When we do, the seeds of gratitude will blossom into a cheerful heart. Just ask Elam and Eli; they know.

Lord, how thankful we are that You give us life. Forgive us for taking our lives for granted. Help us today serve You cheerfully. Let us focus on what we do have instead of what we don’t have. As we plant seeds of gratitude, let them grow into cheerful hearts, ready to receive from You. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you cultivate a cheerful heart today?