2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 25 GW; Luke 23 GW
Jesus was innocent.
Criminals hung beside Jesus on the cross. One was cynical and scathing, while the other recognized the reality of the situation:
“Don’t you fear God at all? Can’t you see that you’re condemned in the same way that he is?” (Luke 23:40 GW)
In reality, we’re the criminals hanging beside Jesus. Our sins would nail us to the cross, but Jesus was without sin. He endured the pain and suffering that are ours. Before you were born, Jesus died for the sins you would commit. Because of our human nature, we will battle our sinful ways as long as we walk the earth. Jesus’s sacrifice gives us the victory we can find no other way.
Just like the criminal who recognized his sin, we need to acknowledge ours. True freedom comes in admitting our shortcomings. When we give our weakness to Jesus, He gives us His strength. Jesus hung on the cross in innocence so we could have life eternal. But if we don’t admit our faults, we won’t recognize our need for Jesus.
Jesus’ sinless act is for you.
Sin is something we all have in common. My shortcomings aren’t yours, but we all have them. The beauty of living life with Christ, He takes our weaknesses and turns them into strengths. But first, we have to admit what our faults are to ourselves and Jesus. If we can’t profess we are sinners, we won’t enjoy the fullness of life Jesus offers. Maturity means learning to confess our sin and acknowledging we need Jesus.
Jesus loves you. Nothing you have done will change God’s affection for you. All He wants is for you to come to Him. Change your mind today. Instead of mocking Jesus, embrace Him into your life. Let His spirit begin a new work in you.

Lord, thank You for Jesus. Seriously, without Him, our lives would have no hope. Forgive us for acting like the cynical criminal. Help us today become more like Jesus as we submit our shortcoming to Him. Help us accept our imperfections and allow You to make us new in You. As we move through this day, let us not forget what Jesus did for us on the cross before we were ever born. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What work is Jesus doing in your life?