2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 24 GW; Luke 22 GW
Jesus speaks the truth.
When Jesus told the disciples to go into the city to prepare for Passover, He gave them specific instructions. Jesus told them what man to find and follow, what to say when they reached the house, and what to prepare. Without blinking an eye, the disciples followed Jesus’ commands. Everything was as Jesus said.
When we follow Jesus, things happen. Applying God’s word to our lives means living counterculturally. Putting God and others before yourself is not natural. In our world, self-centeredness wins; we are to fend for ourselves in the harshness of reality. But for Christ-followers, He does the fighting for us; our duty is to follow His lead.
Because the disciples witnessed the miracles of Jesus, they had no problem following His commands. Watching Jesus feed thousands with a couple of fish and some leftover bread would get anyone’s attention. Witnessing Him heal people of their problems, whether physical or spiritual, is something you wouldn’t forget. When Jesus told the disciples to go, they went. Their experience with the Son of Man taught them to listen and obey immediately.
Act quickly.
When God tells you to do something, do it quickly. Whether you’re reading one of Jesus’s parables or feel a prompting from the Holy Spirit, whatever the mission, make it a priority. God is directing our paths every day; the problem is, we tune into the wrong station.
Instead of listening to God, we listen to the world around us. People will tell you salaries, houses, and cars measure life. God tells us life is measured by how well we love. The two worlds collide when you begin to place God first. God doesn’t care about your bank account; He cares about your heart. When He tells you to do something, He expects immediate action. The longer you delay obeying, the longer it will take to receive the blessing.
When God speaks, listen and act. Blessings come when we obey Jesus.

Lord, thank You for guiding and directing us. Forgive us for not acting quickly when You give us something to do. Today, help us to tune into You and react immediately. When the Holy Spirit prompts us into action, let us act. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What is God telling you to do today?