2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 12-13 GW; Luke 14 GW
Self accolades precede humbling.
Jesus is talking about guests at a banquet who choose places of honor to sit. Instead of sitting in the reserved section, sit in the cheap seats. This way, if someone more prestigious than you is coming, you don’t take their spot. On the other hand, if you are an honored guest, the host will move you to the proper seat and everyone will witness the promotion to a better position. (Luke 14:7-11 GW)
Pride, laziness, and the desire for honor are in direct contrast to what we need to follow Jesus—chasing after Jesus requires humility, servanthood, and commitment. We aren’t to honor ourselves; we’re to glorify God. If God desires for us to take a different seat at the table, He’ll let us know. Until then, we’re to sit humbly and wait.
Ultimately, Jesus is telling us we have to choose. Our choice is simple: Jesus or not. We either believe Jesus and do as He says, or we don’t. The decision is yours; God doesn’t give room for indecisiveness.
Yes or no.
Close-ended questions are those that have a one-word answer: yes or no. In between doesn’t exist when it comes to Jesus. You either say “Yes” to Jesus, or you say “No.” every time you say no, God grieves.
When we choose to honor ourselves, God will humble us. If you have ever attended a party and taken the wrong seat, you know what Jesus means. Public humiliation comes when the host asks us to move to a lesser spot.
When faced with a daily choice to honor yourself or Jesus, say “Yes!” to Jesus. Don’t sit in a place not meant for you. Humble yourself before God. Take a seat of humility today. Allow God to change your position if it’s His desire

Lord, thank You for reminding us of what happens when we place ourselves in a position not meant for us. Forgive us for those times when we have tried to honor ourselves. Help us to live humbly today. When faced with deciding what seat to take, let us take the least, not the greatest. As we strive to follow You, bless our efforts. Help us learn from our failures, and in all things, honor You. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What seat are you taking today?