2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 11 GW; Luke 13 GW
God’s kingdom grows.
When you place the small pellets of yeast into a floury mixture, it will make the dough rise. Growing up, any time I saw the giant metal pan sitting in the corner with a clean tea towel across it, I knew fresh bread was in our future. Mixing the right ingredients and baking until crispy golden on top produces a melt-in-your-mouth experience like nothing else.
Jesus is referring to a Galilean homemaker in this scripture. He’s saying the labor she does in making the bread is enough to feed more than 100 people. Jesus is using this metaphor to describe the kingdom of heaven.
God takes our small actions of love and multiplies them for the kingdom. Each time we step out of ourselves and love another, we’re doing kingdom work. Your efforts are not in vain, even if you don’t see the outcome here on earth. One day in heaven, someone you never met will thank you for helping them find Jesus.
Small actions have far-reaching effects.
Just like the yeast causes the dough to rise, your actions can change someone’s life. One thing I’ve learned, you never know the impact you are having. Sometimes, God will give you glimpses. But most of the time, we don’t have a clue.
What we can do is trust God with our efforts. As long as our hearts are pure and motive clean, God will take our humble offerings and turn them into life-change. Just like the yeast takes time to rise, change occurs slowly. Day-by-day, as we follow Jesus, we become a new creation. Our past is left behind, our future filled with God’s purpose for us. A mission that takes a lifetime to complete.
Don’t underestimate the small actions of love. No matter how tiny the seed, God will multiply your efforts. His kingdom will continue to grow.

Lord, thank You for helping us grow closer to You through the parables Jesus told. Forgive us for underestimating our tiny offerings. Help us today knead yeast into the dough of life, one act of love at a time. Let our efforts grow Your kingdom as we share Your goodness with others. In You, we have life to the fullest. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What small act of love changed your life?