2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 10 GW; Psalms 125 GW; Luke 12 GW
Riches don’t measure wealth.
Today’s scripture is the ending sentence in an interesting parable. A rich man spends all his time making money. Finally, he decides he has enough and can stop working (Luke 12:16-19 NIV). God gave him this message:
“But God said to him, ‘You fool! I will demand your life from you tonight! Now who will get what you’ve accumulated?’ (Luke 12:20 GW)
No matter how much the rich man had, it was never enough. He felt the need for more. Material things won’t fill the void only God can fill. God created us for a relationship with Him and others. Our first priority in life is loving God, our second loving others. Anything that comes before those two things is stealing life from us. In today’s parable, the man’s wealth got in the way of his relationship with God, which means his relationship with others as well.
Redefine your assets.
Typically assets mean cash, real estate, and equipment. Running a business means managing whatever possessions you have. People aren’t possessions, but they are resources. Our most significant assets are the people God places in our lives.
Managing the people in your life means loving each of them like Jesus. We can only do that with God’s help. Asking God to see people through His eyes will change your perspective. You’ll find wealth in the relationships you create.
Money is something you can always make. Today in America, businesses are desperate for workers. People are not replaceable. When you lose someone, you don’t get them back, not until you meet in heaven.
Don’t make the same mistake the rich man did; make God and people your priority. Don’t waste time on riches that won’t last.

Lord, we love Your parables. Thank You for the lesson You teach us through them. Forgive us for the times we’ve placed riches before a relationship. Help us always put You first in our lives as we seek to love people for You. As we draw closer to You, let us experience true wealth in You. All glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Have you found wealth in Jesus?
Reminds me of “love not the world nor the things there of”. Great message.