2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 3 GW; Luke 5 GW
God’s word draws crowds.
Today’s verse comes at the beginning of Jesus’s earthly ministry. Simon Peter was washing his fishnets when Jesus commandeered his boat. Jesus asked Peter to push off from the shore so that He could speak to the crowds. Then Jesus sat down and taught the people from the boat.
Can you imagine how unique this experience was?
I can see people walking down the beach, seeing a crowd gathered, wondering what was so interesting. And Simon Peter having a front-row seat to hear all Jesus said; obviously, it changed his life. But then, just a few verses later, Simon leaves everything behind and follows Jesus.
God’s word is the catalyst to drawing a crowd. Listening to the truth of your Creator changes your life in a myriad of ways. Once you begin experiencing God’s truth in your life, you can’t help but want more.
Join the crowd.
More than likely, your day is mapped out in your head. With a million things to do, fitting Jesus into the mix seems impossible. But it’s not. Just because you’re not standing beside the Sea of Galilee doesn’t mean you can’t listen to God’s word. YouVersion offers a great app that will read the Bible to you.
Discover God’s truths that can change your life by engaging with His word. Then, crowd around Jesus through the gospels. Listen to His stories, engage with Jesus’s conversations, place yourself into the account. Become a new creation each day as you follow Jesus. Overcome life’s troubles with Jesus’s divine solutions.
Become part of the crowd. Listen to God’s word. Ask God to change you from within as You follow Him.

Lord, thank You for Your word, for Jesus, and for life, You’ve given each one of us. Forgive us for crowding around the wrong people. Help us today to join the right crowd, the one following Jesus. As we listen and read Your word, give us divine understanding. Help us apply what we learn to our lives, becoming a new creation every day. Let us experience the freedom Christ offers us. Today, help us live our life to the fullest as we crowd around Jesus. Only with You can we truly live. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you listen to God’s word today?