2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Kings 20-21 GW; Psalms 82 GW; 2 Kings 22 GW
God knows how to make a point.
Hezekiah was a prominent king of Judah. In today’s chapters, we learn he was about to die. Hezekiah desperately cries out to God:
“Please, Lord, remember how I’ve lived faithfully and sincerely in your presence. I’ve done what you consider right.” (2 Kings 20:3 GW)
God hears his prayer; He sends Isaiah with a message. God is going to heal Hezekiah. But Hezekiah wants proof that what Isaiah says is true. To which Isaiah responds:
“This is your sign from the Lord that he will do what he promises. Do you want the shadow to go forward ten steps or come back ten steps?” (2 Kings 20:9 GW)
Hezekiah, a wise man, chose for the shadow to go back ten steps. Isaiah called on the Lord; God moved the shade backward. Hezekiah then believed God was going to heal him.
Doubt is normal.
Not only is doubting normal, but it’s also protective. We shouldn’t believe everything we hear. Lots of people use “messages from God” as a way to manipulate people. However, the proof is in the pudding. Only with time is the truth revealed.
If you’re unsure of whether or not you’re hearing from God, do what Hezekiah did. Ask for a sign. God understands your need for reassurance; He also knows false prophets exist. By giving us a specific signal, as He did for Hezekiah, we believe the message is from the one true God.
On the night my nephew passed away, his father asked God for a sign. Three stars shot across the sky. My brother knew at that moment, Cody was with our parents in heaven. God gave my sibling the sign he sought.
Ask God for a specific sign. Then wait for His answer. Watch how God strengthens your belief.

Lord, thank You for giving us signs. Thank You for helping us discern Your truth from ours. Forgive us, Lord, for not trusting You. As we move through our day, help us remember that You are available to us. If we need help, we can ask You for a sign to show us the way. Lead us today, one step at a time. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What sign has God given you recently?