2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Kings 9 GW; Mark 9 GW
When God speaks, people listen.
Jesus was hanging out on the mountain top. Standing in clothes that became dazzling white, Elijah and Moses appeared. Peter, who witnessed these events, didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, a cloud overshadows them and God speaks. Without mincing words, God claims Jesus as His Son and commands the disciples to listen to Him.
Full confession, I’ve never witnessed a cloud speak. But I have experienced times when I knew God was talking directly to me through an unexpected source.
One of my most memorable times happened while preparing for a mission trip to El Salvador. Since I had never travelled to a third world country, I was highly anxious. My biggest fear was connecting with the people. Our lives are so different; I didn’t know what to expect. That’s when God used a non-believer to speak to me.
Sitting at breakfast, I was sharing my concerns with my friend. I shared with her a verse I read in my morning quiet time:
“Rich and poor have this in common: the LORD is the Maker of them all.” (Proverb 22:2 NIV)
My friend pointed out the obvious to me as I shared this verse with her. What we all have in common is this: God created us all.
God speaks in unexpected ways.
Maybe we don’t hear God speaking from clouds daily, but that doesn’t mean He couldn’t. God isn’t limited in how He communicates. What God does well, talk to each of us personally, in a myriad of ways.
God got my attention because He used an unexpected source to communicate with me. He’ll do the same for you. When God speaks, listen. Sheep know the shepherd’s voice.

Heavenly Father, thank You for talking to each of us personally. Forgive us for expecting You to communicate with us in ways we expect. Help us let go of our expectations and embrace Your unconventional ways of doing things. Open our eyes and ears to hear Your message to us. Help us to listen when You speak, then follow Your commands. In You, we find life to the fullest. Guide and direct our steps today; let us produce good fruit everywhere we go. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How has God spoken to you?