2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Kings 5 GW; Mark 6 GW
Simple acts require humility.
Namaan, commander of the Aramean king’s army, had a skin disease. He learned Elisha, God’s prophet, could heal him. Naaman went to Elisha’s house, who sends a messenger out with these instructions (in other words, Elisha didn’t personally greet the king):
“Wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River, and your skin will be healthy and clean.”
Kings have egos; Naaman was no exception. First, he’s offended that Elisha didn’t come out of his house and greet him. Secondly, the instructions Elisha sent weren’t grand enough for him. Plus, Naaman thought the water was dirty. As a king, he had expectations of something much more majestic. Naaman started to leave until his servants talked him into staying.
Guess what? Naaman bathed in the Jordan River and became healed. But first, he had to humble himself to do a simple task.
Simple acts have huge rewards.
Naaman’s simple act healed him from a skin disease he had far too long. Once he submitted himself to God, he found relief. Submission came by way of dipping himself seven times in the Jordan River.
We can find healing the same way. Whatever the issue is you’re struggling with today, give it to God. Place it at the foot of the cross with humility. Ask God for instructions of what you are to do, then do them.
Instead of bathing in the Jordan River, God may prompt you to call someone who needs to hear your voice. Perhaps He will have you bake a cake for your neighbor. Or write a note to someone you need to ask for forgiveness. Simple acts have eternal ramifications. Even though you might not see the results here on earth, one day, you’ll know the truth. Your most minor acts of kindness had the most significant impact for the Kingdom.

Lord, thank You for the reminder; working for You is done in submission. Forgive us for expecting grand gestures instead of simple acts. Help us today become more sensitive to Your Spirit’s promptings to do Your will. Let every action we do reflect Your love to the world. Give us conviction of what we are to do and the courage to do it. As always, the glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What simple act is God prompting You to do?