2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Kings 4 GW; Mark 5 GW
God’s solutions are unpredictable.
Elisha, a prophet, is visiting a widow. In dire straits, a creditor is threatening to take her two children as slaves for payment. The only thing of value the woman has in her home is a jar of olive oil. Elisha has her borrow empty containers from her neighbors, then go into her house and pour oil into them. She obeys, doing precisely what Elisha says until she ran out of containers. When the jars ran out, the olive oil stopped flowing. God provided enough oil for her to pay her debt and have some leftover for her family. God’s divine solution in her life came in jugs.
Divine solutions are God’s unpredictable answers to life’s circumstances.
Our insurmountable problems are opportunities for God to shine. We have to get beyond our unbelief to experience God’s solution. Life doesn’t happen the way we think; it happens the way God does. Just like God provided for the widow, He’ll provide for you. Collect empty jars; God is going to fill them for you.
Trust and obey.
When you don’t see an escape from your troubles, trust and obey. Search the scriptures and find out what God says. Then apply His promises to your dilemma. God’s promises for guidance and help is a good starting point:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)
Ask God to make your paths straight. Seek His divine solution to your problem, then wait for God to act. Instead of thinking you know what God will do, wait expectantly for Him to surprise you.
When God tells you to line up your jars, get them ready. God doesn’t disappoint; your jugs will overflow with His blessing.

Lord, how grateful we are for Your divine solutions. Forgive us for telling You how we think You should solve our problems. Instead, help us rely on You for answers. As we lean into You today, submitting to You, straighten our paths. Fill our jars with Your blessings as we wait with expectation for Your unpredictable answers to our struggles. In You, we trust completely. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What divine solution are you waiting on today?