2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Kings 23 GW; Mark 4 GW
Light in lights out.
God’s presence in your life won’t go unnoticed. Jesus’s light burns eternal. Following Jesus is a process that begins with a decision. Once you decide you’re giving your life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within you. His presence will prompt you into becoming a new creation in Jesus. As you do, your light will shine brighter than you can ever imagine.
What is an example of God’s light? Maybe a cat made out of towels.
During my last hair appointment, I shared it with a friend who is an RN. She told us the story of two nurses trying to comfort an elderly patient. The sweet lady was confused about her whereabouts and kept asking for her cat. Trying to calm their patient, the nurses made a cat out of towels that the lady could sit and pet. Their efforts worked; God’s light shone through them as they brought comfort to another through towels.
God’s prompting helps us to love others better. Just like the nurses went the extra mile for their patients, Jesus went the extra mile for us. Following Him means daily trying to love God and others.
Small actions have Kingdom consequences.
No matter how small the kindness, our actions have a ripple effect. A couple of years ago, a group I was in spent a month doing “Random Acts of Kindness.” We gave out business cards I nicknamed “Scatter Cards” because their purpose was to scatter kindness wherever we went. To this day, I wonder about the lives impacted by one intentional month of service, lives I won’t meet until heaven.
We never know how our actions impact others. As we draw closer to Jesus, our love of people will intensify. Loving people for Jesus is how your light will shine brightest.

Lord, thank You for shining Your light into our lives through Jesus. Forgive us for hiding what we have found in You. Today, let Your love shine through us brighter than ever before. Each day that You give us, help us to love others better and better. As we seek You, let us find You. Fill us with Your Spirit, prompt us from within, help us represent You well today. In all things, the glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How are you shining your light today?