2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Kings 22 GW; 2 Kings 1 GW; Mark 3 GW
Closed minds can’t see the truth.
Today’s story is about a man who had a paralyzed hand. Jesus was in the synagogue with the Pharisees (religious leaders); they were not happy He was healing on the sabbath. Jesus knew the Pharisee’s minds were closed; therefore, they missed the miracle that He performed. Instead, after witnessing the man’s hand restored, they left to plot and kill Jesus (Mark 3:1-6 GW).
Not only did the Pharisees miss the miracle, but they also angered and hurt Jesus. Closed minds aren’t receptive to new ideas and concepts. If we don’t think new possibilities exist with Jesus, we’ll never find divine solutions.
When Jesus healed the man’s hand, He performed a divine solution. The Pharisees clung to their laws; they discounted what Jesus had to offer. Closed minds kept them from experiencing what Jesus had to offer.
Open your mind to Jesus.
Our relationship with Jesus is one of heart and mind. We must open ourselves up to what Jesus has to offer. In order to embrace Jesus’ influence in our lives, we have to realize; His ways are not our ways. We can’t put Jesus in a box and expect Him to act the way we want. Jesus doesn’t work that way.
God didn’t send Jesus into the world so He would conform to our image. Jesus came so we could become like Him. Our ways don’t work. Jesus has the divine solution we all need, whatever the circumstance. When Jesus moves in our lives, He does so on His schedule, not ours.
If you don’t want to anger and hurt Jesus, open your mind. Don’t get trapped in religious rhetoric. Take Jesus out of the box, look for His divine solutions. Embrace the miracle, don’t miss it.

Lord, thank You for working in our lives every day. Forgive us for closing our minds to Your miracles. Today give us a new mindset, one that embraces Your work in our lives. Help us to open our thoughts to new possibilities found only in You. As we seek You today, don’t let us miss Your divine solutions to our problems. Give us a fresh vision for our lives, direct our steps, don’t let us miss what You’re doing. All glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How open are you to God’s divine solutions in your life?