2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Kings 17 GW; 1 Corinthians 15 GW
Kindness breeds kindness.
Divine moments come with kindness. The randomness of the action at the perfect time tells you it’s from God. No earthly explanations exist; credit can only go to God. When these moments happen, they soften our hearts and make us want to share the gift with others. Our kindest actions begin with God’s kindness towards us.
One of the kindest people I ever met was a divine appointment. My husband and I were camping and needed propane. We stopped at TAC RV on the border of North Carolina and Virginia. While my husband was filling the tanks, I went inside the store, where I met Crystal. Ironically, we attended the same church in Virginia but had never met. She had on a t-shirt from the church, which started our conversation. I will never forget her taking out her phone and friending me on Facebook right there and then. Her kindness touched my heart that day and has never stopped.
Share your heart.
Crystal’s kindness stems from her heart devoted to the Lord. God gifted her with an extra measure of grace. Every conversation I have with her, I walk away amazed at the kindness that naturally flows from her. She helps me become more graceful, which in turn, helps me become kinder. Crystal donated a kidney to a stranger; she doesn’t limit her kindness. God’s presence in her life overflows to all.
Let God’s kindness in your life flow to those around you. Don’t let fear stop you from sharing your heart with others. Just like Crystal shares her heart willing with those God places in her life, share yours too. You never know how kindness to a stranger will impact their lives. One day in heaven, you may find out. But until then, relish in God’s compassion for your life. Let God’s love for you soften your heart, then share it with others.

Lord, in all things, You go first. Your most extraordinary kindness is Jesus. Thank You for sending Him for us. Forgive us for not always choosing kindness. Soften our hearts for the day ahead, let Your love lead the way in our lives. As we interact with people today, let kindness define our conversations. In all things, let us represent You well, especially Your kindness. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who has impacted your life with their kindness?