2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Samuel 23-24 GW; 1 Corinthians 3 GW
Solid food comes with growth.
Babies drink milk until their little bodies are capable of handling solid food. In his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul used this analogy to describe spiritual growth. Unfortunately, the Corinthians weren’t growing. They took the first steps of faith but then stopped walking because of their sinful nature.
Accepting Christ into your life is the first step, not the last. When you receive Christ into your life, that’s drinking the milk. But as you begin to develop a relationship with Jesus, you are to move towards solid food. Changing your menu means you actively pursue getting to know God better by spending time with Him.
When I first met my husband, I didn’t know him well. As we began to spend more time together, I learned more about him. Now, as a married couple, I’m still learning about him, but our relationship is far beyond acquaintances who just met. We’ll continue getting to know each other as we travel through life together, handling the ups and downs that come with it. Our rock is God who is the third cord in our marriage.
Strive for solid food.
Praise Jesus for your salvation, then start pursuing Him. Understanding you’re a sinner in need of grace is only the first step. Take that sip of milk, but then keep growing. Start reading the Bible. The book of John is a great place to start moving towards solid food. You will get to know Jesus, His deep love for you, and what He ultimately wants you to do, live life to the fullest(John 10:10 NIV).
Evaluate what kind of menu you’re eating. If you’re still sipping milk from a sippy cup, it’s time to give it up. Submit to God. Commit to living out His purpose for your life, one day at a time. Start by spending time in His word. See where God takes you.

Lord, thank You for sending Jesus to show us the way. Forgive us for still drinking milk. Help us today start moving towards solid food. As we seek You, let us find You. Help us discover our purpose on earth as we connect with You. Give us a clear direction of how we can grow. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Where are you in your spiritual journey, milk or solid food?