2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Samuel 19 GW; 3 John 1 NIV; Psalms 34 GW
Refresh others for refreshment.
One sure way to find joy is wishing someone else well. When I’m out and about, and someone randomly says, “God bless you,” my heart is always touched. Every time, no matter who the well-wisher is, they’re always smiling and happy. Spreading good cheer lightens the heart:
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)
Making others smile will make you smile.
As a tennis coach, an unhappy five-year-old is a challenge. One mishit can spin a child into misery. Working to bring a smile back to their face takes effort. But the result always lightens my heart. Getting them back involved in the game, watching as their tears dry and their lips smile refreshes my soul.
Kindness is free.
Smiling at someone costs nothing. Wishing someone have a good day is free. Opening the door for a stranger, helping a friend in need, all of these things refresh others and you. Instead of looking for opportunities to tear others down, look for ways to build them up. The slightest kindness can change someone’s life.
When I’m dealing with a friend going through a difficult time, I know God has the answer. Even though I don’t know what to do for them, God does. When I seek Him in prayer on their behalf, He always gives me an action task. Send a text, write a card, make a phone call. Whatever the mission God gives me, it’s always one that encourages. And when I’m obedient, the one that genuinely is inspired is me.
Start today. Look for ways to build people up instead of tearing them down. Become a well-wisher. Watch as you are the one who receives the biggest blessing.

Dear Lord, thank You for encouraging us daily. Every morning when the sun rises, we get a new start. Forgive us for the missed opportunities we’ve had to inspire others. Help us today become well-wishers. Give us divine insight into ways we can refresh the people meet. Refresh our souls as we refresh others. Give us an extra measure of love and grace to share with the world today. In all things, You receive the glory. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who can you refresh today?