2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 55 GW; 1 Samuel 18-19 GW; Psalms 42-43 GW
Troubled times cause questioning.
When disaster strikes, people look for God. Finding someone to blame when something bad happens is a natural reaction. I’ve found, people typically look to God first. When my nephew died seven years ago at the age of twenty from Type One Diabetes, people asked me tough questions.
“Why did God let Cody die?” “Why didn’t God heal him?” “What about all of those prayers you prayed for Cody?”
From my vantage point, God did heal Cody. As a follower of Christ, he was completely healed, never having to take another insulin shot again. But not the way I had hoped. However, he still lives in my heart, travelling every where I go. One day, we will have a reunion.
My God was present on that warm day in September when Cody moved home to heaven. He was with my family in every hug, note, meal we received. As the days moved forward, God’s people helped us keep going. When we couldn’t walk, they carried us.
God is here.
Where is God when trouble comes? Here. God is with you in the midst of the trial. From our struggles, we gain the most incredible wisdom. When life strips us bare and brings us to our knees, God is waiting. Amid heartache is when God is closest.
When people ask you where your God is, tell them the truth. God is with me. He fills my lungs with air that allows me to breathe. God gives us people to help us through difficult times. Every hug, every prayer, every comforting word is proof of God’s presence. Feelings lie, but God doesn’t:
“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isiah 41:10 NIV)
Where is God? Wherever you are.

Lord, thank You for never leaving us, especially amid trouble. Forgive us for believing our feelings instead of Your promises. Today, help us see You during the storm. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear Your presence in our lives. When people ask, “Where is your God?” Let us answer simply, “Here.” IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How does God let you know He’s present?