2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Samuel 13-14 GW; Titus 2 GW
Truth does matter.
In the world today, I often hear this phrase, “Live in your truth.” But as my therapist says, three truths exist—your truth, my truth, and what actually happened. God helps ground us in the third truth, reality. We all share one fact in common: we’re sinners in need of a Savior. We all need Jesus.
Recognizing your need for a Savior means understanding; you’re part of the problem. When I’m working on a relationship, God has plenty to teach me. The people God places in my life that are the hardest for me to love grow me the most. And the best way to love people is by living in the truth of God.
Accept responsibility.
To use accurate words, you must admit your part in the situation. No one is ever entirely right or wrong. Telling the real truth means saying what actually happened. If you started yelling and wouldn’t listen to what the other person was saying, own it. Admit you were wrong. If you didn’t communicate well, learn from the lesson, try better next time.
Accurate words require brutal honesty, not only with others but yourself. Jesus helps us accept our imperfections. He loves each one of us, no matter what. When we are weak, He is strong. You can tell the truth and accept responsibility for your actions because Jesus loves you just the way you are. Don’t doubt that fact for a moment.
Telling the real truth makes your accusers ashamed. Facing the mirror of reality isn’t easy for anyone. Grace is something we all need. Remember, sometimes we’re the accusers. When we’ve believed the wrong narrative, shame rears its ugly head. Accepting our sinful nature allows us to give grace not only to others but to ourselves as well.

Lord, thank You for helping us accept ourselves, and in so doing, tell the absolute truth. Forgive us for acting like someone we’re not and for believing false narratives. In all we do today, let honesty lead the way. Help us use accurate words at all times, and when the accuser realizes the truth, let us give them grace. Praise Jesus; Your truth is absolute. We can count on the Rock to stand firm amidst the lies. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How accurate are your words?