2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 124 GW; 1 Samuel 7-9 GW
Remind people: God is an escape artist.
David is the author of Psalm 124. He’s reminding Israel of a time when certain death loomed. God provided a miracle to save them. The Israelites needed reminding of how God rescued them from the past. If God helped them escape once, He could do it again.
Whatever adversity you are facing, God has a plan. Just like He saved the Israelites from their peril, God can save you from yours. As David reminded the Israelites, we need to remind each other how God saved us in the past.
Journeying with Jesus means building community. God never intended for us to do life alone. We need others in our lives to help remind us of God’s goodness. Often, our community is precisely who God uses to help us out of life’s cages.
Build community.
Living in a community with others helps you remember God. The longer the friendship, the better the source. When I talk to my lifelong friend Lori, she always helps me remember God’s work in my life. We’ve known each other since Kindergarten. Together, we’ve traversed life’s ups and downs, all while clinging to God. When I need reminding of how God rescued me in the past, Lori is one of the people I call.
Develop a network of friends who are traveling in the same direction as you. People who are following Jesus to the best of their ability. Remember, the only perfect person is Jesus. We all falter. When someone doesn’t live up to perfection, forgive them. We are all sinners in need of grace. Don’t place expectations on people only Jesus can meet.
As you journey through life together, remind each other often of God’s goodness. Previous escapes help you trust God for the next one. Whatever the trap, God has an escape route just for you.

Lord, thank You for being our escape artist. We’re grateful You provide a way out of our dilemmas for us. Forgive us for doubting. From our doubts, let our faith grow exponentially. Remind us today how You rescued us in the past. Give our spirit peace as we trust You more fully. Just like You worked miracles for the Israelites, You’ll do the same for us. All glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How has God rescued you in the past?