2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Judges 12 GW; Psalm 50 GW
God’s rescue causes praise.
Soldiers pray when they are under enemy fire. Students cry out to God when facing a test in school. Mothers call on God on behalf of their children. In times of trouble, soliciting help from God is easy. When we survive whatever storm we’re facing, praising God is natural. The greatest gift you can give someone is introducing them to God.
As a child, my mother taught me to pray. At night, she knelt with me at the side of my bed, and we recited this prayer together:
“Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I died before I wake,
I pray the Lord, my soul, to take.”
At dinner time, I prayed for our family meal:
“God is great; God is good.
Let us thank Him for our food.
By His hands, we all are fed.
Give us Lord our daily bread.
These simple prayers taught me where to turn in times of trouble. My mother made prayer a priority in my life. She taught me how to talk to God. As a result, I’ve chatted with God all of my life. As I grew older, my prayers became more profound and heartfelt. To this day, my husband and I pray over our meals together.
God doesn’t sleep.
No matter what the situation, God is awake to hear your prayer. Whether the simple prayer of a child or the anguished prayer of someone in pain, God listens. He will rescue you from the trouble you face. But He won’t do it the way you think.
When God answers, you know it’s Him.
Without a doubt, God will rescue you. He will give you the strength to face the storm. Turn to Him; talk to God; let it all out. Then praise Him for His response. Thank God for carrying you through your trials. Rest in His peace that is everlasting.

Lord, thank You for hearing our prayers. Whether the simple words of a child or the heartfelt words of an adult, thank You for answering. Forgive us for not talking to You sooner. Forgive us for trying to handle things on our own. Rescue us from our distress. To You goes all the glory and praise. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Have you asked God to help you through Your storm?