2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Joshua 15 GW; Proverbs 25 GW
Not everything is your business.
For some reason, we think we need to know everything. But the truth is, we can’t possibly know everything, nor should we. God is the only one who is privy to all the details. And He hides what He knows. God separates our sin from us:
“as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:12 NIV)
Man, on the other hand, likes to investigate and expose people’s sins. Grace is favor, mercy, pardon. God hides what people want to illuminate. Yet, as human beings, we want to know all the dirty laundry. Typically, when we find out a person’s secrets, we spread them as quickly as possible. Hozier’s song, “Take Me to Church,” aptly describes what people do with juicy information:
“I’ll tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife.”
My deepest hurts came from people I met in church. Thankfully, God doesn’t act like people do. In Him, we can find a love that heals our wounds.
Become comfortable not knowing.
One way to become more like Jesus, don’t tell everything you know. Practice not wanting to know everything. Understanding people’s heartaches is a grave responsibility. When they share their sufferings with you, protect their hurts. Don’t exploit people because of their sin; love them instead. People’s hearts are tender; treat them accordingly. Broken hearts require gentle treatment, not grand illuminations.
Encountering people amid their sin requires grace. Knowing people’s sins shouldn’t become a weapon to manipulate them. Instead, use it as an opportunity to love them unconditionally.

Lord, thank You for separating our sins from us as far as the east is from the west. Forgive us for using other people’s sins against them. Lord, remind us today, we don’t need to know everything. Help us trust that You do. When we learn of people’s secrets, help us use them as a way to love unconditionally. Today, help us keep our mouths shut. Help us remember to take the plank out of our eye before messing with the splinter in someone else’s. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Whose business have you been meddling in that you shouldn’t?