2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 10 GW; Proverbs 3 GW; Psalms 37 GW
Evil people don’t last.
When someone is living an intentionally evil life, it won’t last for long. That type of lifestyle doesn’t promote longevity. Rock bottom comes sooner than later when you’re on the wrong path. But from your perspective, they may appear to have a charmed life.
Why do people get away with it? That’s a common question I receive. Someone has hurt them, and while they’re suffering, the other person is thriving. In my own life, I have people who have hurt me yet are oblivious to my pain. More than likely, I’ve hurt someone in ways that I’m unaware. Each of us is the villain in someone’s story.
In essence, you envy the person who hurt you because they don’t appear broken. You’re isolated in your pain because they don’t share it with you. But you don’t know what another person is going through. Unless you’re walking in their shoes, you don’t see the pain they are carrying. Don’t envy people; pray for them.
God overcomes evil.
Prayer is the antidote to envy AND evil. Both of them need Godly transformation. When we envy anyone, we’re telling God, what we have isn’t enough. Instead of appreciating what is before us, we envy what isn’t. Andy Stanley taught me this phrase years ago, “Must be nice.” In a message he gave on the topic of envy, those three words are an indicator. If you find yourself saying, “Must be nice” about someone or situation, it indicates you’re envious. Envy wastes your time and diverts your attention from the present.
God will take care of the evil. Trust Him for justice. He knows the rest of the story; you only see a part of it.
Don’t waste time envying others. Live in the moment. Trust God to take care of the rest.

Lord, thank You for giving us another day. How grateful we are for the air we breathe. Forgive us, Lord, for not living in the present. Forgive us for envying others instead of enjoying what we have. Help us remember, looks are deceiving. We only know in part, You know in whole. Remove the envy from our hearts, fill them instead with love and mercy. To You goes the glory. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Have you said, “Must be nice” lately?